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Sedation Dentistry

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Patient with laughing gasLaughing gas is one of the safest and gentlest options when it comes to sedation dentistry. When you opt for nitrous oxide during your visit, you can enjoy fast and effective results without lingering drowsiness. The best part is that you won’t need someone else to drive you home. All of the analgesic effects will have worn off by the time you check out.

Nitrous can be added onto nearly any dental procedure in our office – including cleanings. If you tend to avoid your checkups because of sensitive gums or a gag reflex, be sure to request laughing gas when you schedule. You’ll feel more at ease so that we can finish your procedure in less time.

Plus, you’re awake throughout the entire visit. You won’t have to feel nervous about not knowing what’s going on around you. Although you’re fully conscious, you just won’t care as much about having someone look around inside your mouth.

Safe for Children

Young patients tend to be wiggly, have a hard time sitting for longer periods and sometimes feel afraid. With laughing gas, we can help your child catch up on necessary care when they need it!

Get Started Today

Are you looking for a comfortable dental experience where you can relax throughout the entire process? Then call us today or talk to our dentist about having nitrous oxide during your next treatment appointment.



Sedation Dentistry Northgate, Black Forest, Briargate CO | (719) 344-8616